General Information
Name: Markus Lobineau
Nickname: Mark
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Race: Human
Appearance: Long, brown hair covers his also-brown eyes. He styles his hair in such a way that it can fit under a hood easily, and so that when he wants to see, all he has to do is flick his hair to the side. He hasn't strayed away from making himself handsome in other ways either - his nose is fine and skin is well-kept.
Region: Vhalla
History: In his childhood, he loved hunting. He hunted many animals, thus allowing him proficiency with the bow handed down to him by his father. When he wasn't hunting, he was either talking to the woman of Vhalla's Kingdom or foraging for berries or other plants suitable for cooking with. He was unaffected by the slave trade and most other events that occurred outside the world due to his sheltered lifestyle. All that affected him was what his girlfriends said were happening. That he hadn't been called up for any wars, he thanked his lucky stars. His father must have said he was insane - wouldn't do his street cred any good - but it had potentially saved his life.
When his father passed away at the age of 23, he gained his funds. However, because Markus hadn't bothered himself with getting a job of sorts, this left him with a measly amount of 100 gold - just enough to live on for a month. A year later, he was there to witness the passing of the Dragons in the 6th Aalm, and he knew this was no coincidence. With his bow strapped to his back and arrows in his quiver, he was ready to embark on the adventure of a lifetime.
Other notes: None.
Starter Weapon
Type: Bow
Appearance: Long and curved with carved shapes upon the surface.
[The weapon cannot have an ability]